Different Products have different shelf life

Fast Food has a shelf-life of 3 hours
Dairy Products have a shelf-life of approx 4 to 7 days

A hotel room waits for you only 24 hours before you confirm

Fresh fruits & vegetables have shelf-life of approx. 2 days

Expected average life around 50 years

Electricity has ZERO shelf life

Electricity cannot be stored effectively Generation should 

exactly match demand Inter-regional grid can help in 

matching supply with demand Electricity has ZERO shelf life 

Shelf-life can be created for Electricity by inter connectivity of

معلومات عن التدوينة 21 فبراير 2014 عدد الزيارات: (850) عدد التعليقات: 2 الكاتب:iHussam للإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب اضغط هنا للإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب اضغط هنا جميع الحقوق محفوظة ( إتفاقية نقل ونشر المحتوى )

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