There are 4 types of active elements (sources)

1. Independent voltage source:

It is a 2-terminal sources that maintains a specific voltage across its terminals regardless of the current through it

2. Independent current source:

It is a 2-terminal sources that maintains a specific current through it regardless of the voltage across it terminals.

3. Dependent voltage source:

It is a 2-terminal sources that generates a voltage that is determined by a voltage or current at a specified location in the circuit.

 4. Dependent current source:

It is a 2-terminal sources that generates a current that is 
 determined by voltage or current at a specified location in the circuit.

Basic Quantities

(1) Electron :electron is a mobile charge carrier.

The electron is measured in coulumb [ C ]

(2) Current :

the time rate of change of charge produces an electrical current

the electric current is measured in Amper [A]

(3) Voltage :

The voltage is defined as the work or energy (in Joules) required per unit charge to move a test charge though an element

(4) Power :

Power is the time rate of change of energy.

(5) Energy

Passive sign convention

Power can be absorbed or supplied by an element.

Power is absorbed (or dissipated) by an element if the sign of power is (+)

Power is supplied (delivered or generated) by an element if
the sign of power is (-)
معلومات عن التدوينة 21 فبراير 2014 عدد الزيارات: (850) عدد التعليقات: 2 الكاتب:iHussam للإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب اضغط هنا للإبلاغ عن رابط معطوب اضغط هنا جميع الحقوق محفوظة ( إتفاقية نقل ونشر المحتوى )

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